Log On Assistance
Never received a MyEnroll.com User ID and Password
Generally, in order to expedite providing you with a User ID and Password to MyEnroll.com, your employer will not have User ID and Passwords sent to you via mail and will direct you to this website to use the "Request User ID/Password" link. This link will, with your proper inputs (i.e., email address or social security number), automatically send you your User ID and Password to your email address with a few seconds. To use "Request User ID/Password" link simply click on the "Home" menu item above and look for the link in the section titled "Account Log On."
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Forgot Your MyEnroll.com User ID and Password
You can obtain your MyEnroll.com User ID and Passwords, sent to you via email by clicking on the "Request User ID/Password" link on the MyEnroll.com Home page. This link will, with your proper inputs (i.e., email address or social security number), automatically send you your User ID and Password to your email address with a few seconds. To use "Request User ID/Password" link simply click on the "Home" menu item above and look for the link in the section titled "Account Log On."
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User ID and Password Do Not Work
First, check that you are using the proper upper and lower cases for both your User ID and Password because MyEnroll.com checks the case of each letter of your User ID and Password. If you are sure you are using proper cases for your User ID and Password, simply follow the instructions in the "Forgot Your MyEnroll.com User ID and Password" support question/answer above.
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Change Your User ID and Password
It is a good idea, from time-to-time, to change your User ID and Password with any system that contains your important and valuable information. Once you log on to your MyEnroll.com with your current User ID and Password, you can use the left-side menu and click on the item titled "Manage Account Access" to change your User ID and Password. Note: unlike many systems, you can modify not just your password but your User ID, too. And remember, you can change your User ID and Password as frequently as you would like.
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Personal Data Updates
Active Employees - Update Your Home Address in MyEnroll.com
In most instances, employer require employees to make home address systems through its payroll or HR system. Therefore, you should contact your employer to change your home address and other personal information (i.e., name spelling, social security number, etc.). Once your employer has made your requested change, that information will be provided to MyEnroll.com and updates made, accordingly.
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Retirees & COBRA Continuants - Update Your Home Address in MyEnroll.com
You should notify MyEnroll.com directly with your home address, phone and email address changes as soon as possible. DO NOT SEND YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION TO MyEnroll.com via EMAIL. Email is an unsecured delivery method (click on "Protecting Your Data" in the left-side menu to learn more). You can send your information updates directly and securely to MyEnroll.com by using our Secure Service Request program - click here.
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Updating your Email Address in MyEnroll.com
Regardless of your employment status (Active, Retiree, or COBRA Continuant), you can update your email address by either logging on to your MyEnroll.com and editing your email address from the Employee Homepage or sending MyEnroll.com customer service center your information updates directly and securely by using our Secure Service Request program - click here.
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Add a Dependent to Your Coverage
Whether or not your can add a dependent to your benefit plans will depend on your employers benefit plan administration rules. Generally, there are up to three times a year that an employee may change their benefits: (1) New hire enrollment period, (2) Mid-Year Life Event causes a "Permitted Election Change" in accordance with the employer's benefit plan rules, and (3) annual [or other periodic] open enrollment.
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If you are a new hire in a New Hire Enrollment Period, you can log on to www.MyEnroll.com and proceed through electing your benefits and updating your dependents, as necessary.
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If you are an active employee and not a new hire and not in annual open enrollment, then you should check with your employer about your options unless your employer has instructed you to use the MyEnroll.com Life Event Module. If you are looking for the MyEnroll.com Life Event Module, simply logo on to www.MyEnroll.com and look for the menu link titled "Life Event Processing."
If you still have question about your options, you may contact our customer service by using Secure Service Request
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Flexible Spending Account Claims
Flexible Spending Account Claim Reimbursement Schedules
Flexible Spending Account Reimbursements are made each Tuesday. BAS/MyEnroll.com offers you a choice between receiving your FSA reimbursements by check or direct deposit. Since there is no cost difference to you or your employer, you can choose the reimbursement method that best suites your needs. However, we highly recommend our direct deposit service because you will receive your reimbursements faster and more securely (i.e., not subject to the speed of mail delivery and your having to make a deposit with your financial institution). If you are interested in receiving your reimbursements by direct deposit, then click on the left-menu item titled "FSA Direct Deposit."
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FSA Direct Deposit Reimbursement
Direct Deposit reimbursement for your Flexible Spending Account reimbursements is the quickest and safest means for receiving your reimbursements. You can setup FSA direct deposits easily and quickly in one of two ways. (1) Log on to MyEnroll.com and click on the left-side menu item FSA Direct Deposit and follow the instructions for setting up direct deposit reimbursements, or (2) Download our Direct Deposit form, complete it and fax or mail it to the fax number/mailing address shown on the form. Setup and account testing will take approximately 7-10 days. Until testing is completed, you will continue to receive reimbursements by check.
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Claim Submission Confirmation
If you would like to receive an instant confirmation email that we have received your claim submission that you sent in via fax or mail, then use the BAS Personalized, Bar Coded FSA Claim Form ("PBCF"). The PBCF is a FSA claim form that you generate online and is pre-populated with (1) a bar code representing your MyEnroll.com ID Number, (2) Your name, address, telephone, email, etc., and (3) Your dependent's information [if you select to generate the form for a dependent rather than for just yourself].
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Upon our receipt of your PBCF and the accompanying expense receipts, we will send you an email confirmation that we have received your submission. In order to generate your own PBCF for yourself and/or your dependents for either a healthcare or dependent day care flexible spending account click here.
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Online Account Balances and History
If you would like to access a comprehensive history of all your FSA claims processing (i.e., pending payments, paid claims, and denied claims) plus information on your annual account balance, logo on to www.MyEnroll.com and visit the "FSA Balances & History" menu link.
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